Ranger cloak

Got a pair of ranger cloaks on the behest of my child. It was a bit expensive for my taste even after the 10% discount on each cloak and free shipping. Added to that the $105USD forwarding cost from the US to my dooratep. The cloaks were pretty well made and the sizes were close […]

It was fun while it lasted

Subaru WRX

I used to have an unhealthy obsession with cars since childhood. Primarily because it was seemingly unattainable growing up, and it being a symbol of success and freedom by mobility. Admittedly is was one of my motivations to improve my fiscal well-being as a young adult. After managing to acquire one in my early 20’s […]

PELCO II net metering application

TLDR: Solar is great for back-up power and to regulate volgage for your appliances. But as a monetary investment not so much. If I had to do it all over, I wouldn’t apply for net-metering and hire actual practicing engineers to set up a solar+battery system. At the time of writing, I spent PHP12,000 in […]

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. -Anonymous

I don’t like feeling pain but I want to be exposed it. I want… Need to learn its lessons so I can keep growing and avert being mired in mediocrity.

I don’t want to be comfortable to a point that I start developing luxury beliefs.

A mistake repeated more than once is a decision. Paulo Coelho

‘Cause not everything means something, honeySo say the unsayableSay the most human of thingsIf everything is temporaryI will bear the unbearableTerrible triteness of being –Gangs of Youths

Categorized as Blogging

Everybody wants something You kniw the price of everything but the value of nothing —Jay-Z

As I get a little older, I realize life is perspectiveAnd my perspective may differ from yours. –Kendrick Lamar

Modern day attrition

Broke by a thousand fees. Death by a thousand cuts.


I have very strong opinions on social issues which I work on, as oppose to having loud ones.

Baguio is cursed

My last 4 visits to the city I once claimed my home has been marred by misfortune.  My trips to the city had to be cut short but someone dying my car breaking. I initially chalked it up to bad luck when my highschool batchmate caught a stroke while I was there. The following year, […]

EMUdeck on a Steam Deck OLED

As much as I liked the RG405M, I found it couldn’t emulate the arcade games I wanted to play to my liking; Primarily some NAOMI/NAOMI2 games and a couple switch games. I decided to skip other more powerful handhelds like the AYN Odin 2 or the Retroid Pocket 4 Pro and go straight to the […]

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

Categorized as Blogging

Spotify / Youtube offline downloads

I use spotdl which utilizes yt-dlp to download the actual songs. To download the highest quality you’ll need to have a Youtube Premium account with the audio quality set to high: Next, you’ll need to get the cookies to authenticate, I personally use Chrome on windows, you’ll need to launch Chrome with the –disable-features=LockProfileCookieDatabase to […]

You’re not making money until you’re making money without working. – 50 Cent