don’t argue with stupid people
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
HorribleSubs took down their batch torrent section after their site update last year. Which made it cumbersome to manually download each and every magnet link for the shows I want to get. Thankfully, there’s this Chorme extensions: HorribleSubs Downloader which lets you copy all the magnet links to your clipboard for a particular resurrection e.g. […]
After being on the AMD Ryzen platform for 18 months, I decided to go back to Intel & NVidia. Yes they present tremendous value in terms of hardware but I find Intel/NVidia to be more stable in terms of day to day operations and overall more efficient in thermals and power consumption. But I want […]
I define old relative to my stay in the freelance service sector space for about 2 decades now. I feel that I have overstayed my welcome and it is time to move on to other interests. The primary motivating factor for me is that I don’t find fulfillment in the work I do anymore. Not […]
Following the disappointment that was the PlayStation Classic Console, which I was totally set on buying; I decided to re-build one myself. I really wanted to have one for nostalgia and to revisit Resident Evil 2 before I play the remastered version on the PS4 next year… unfortunately the overwhelming negative reviews knock some sense […]
TLDR: It is basically a mountain bike with drop bars… and it’s awesome! I recently got myself the Salsa Cutthroat 2019 with the Apex build kit. I would’ve wanted to opt for the Force 1 build kit but they didn’t offer the frameset in black, so I had to swap out some parts: Replaced Apex […]
Pun intended! I finally got my audio setup sorted. I have my Audioengine A5+ speakers hooked to an Audioengine D1 DAC, which is connected to my desktop (Dan A4) via USB for power & audio input. Then I have my PS4 Pro connected to the D1 via optical cable to route the PS4’s sound to […]
I train primarily to release my aggression, angst and negative energies I’ve accumulated over the years. It’s a fair endeavor where I get what I put in, where I have control and can affect positive changes over course and outcome. i’ve been training hard and consistent for the past 15yrs not because i want to […]
I’ve been wanting to try a Height Adjustable Desk ever since I heard of it some 2 years ago but couldn’t due to logistics and cost to acquire one here in the Philippines. Desks range from $500-$1,000 USD plus shipping which was the primary limiting factor for me. Fortunately you can purchase one locally at […]
Here are 8 things that sum up the things I picked up this past year. I hope to pick up more as I continue my journey and look forward to my next Orbit. Define what success is to you – the earlier you know what success is to you, the more time you’ll have to […]
I started web logging (blogging) back in 1999 when i got into web development. Way before WordPress, where you had to code your own version of blog websites on GeoCities, SpacePorts or similar free hosting platforms. Somewhere between 2005 and now i stopped since it became main stream. Now that the band wagon has predominantly […]
I recently came across malware in my WordPress installation even though I am running the latest version of WordPress and not running any other plugin apart from JetPack. I tried removing the malware and updating all the WordPress files only to get infected again a few days after. So Far these steps have mitigated the […]
(of a person or manner) showing little concern for the feelings of others; harsh A lot of people (Family included) find me abrasive and that’s okay. People cope in their own unique way and if they find me abrasive in order to understand where I’m coming from then that’s fine. Like Mark Manson said: You […]
The simple truth of it is i want some resemblance of control. Where i can tell myself matter-of-fact that i had significant influence on the outcome of my undertaking. A safe emotional and mental environment where i can break and rebuild myself in every aspect of life away from the judging eyes of my peers […]
I get my news off of social media, it’s convenient. I typically just browse through feeds of a few personalities I follow to get my fix when I’m interested then move along. I make it a point to ignore the comments section to save both my sanity and time. Though there are exceptions wherein my […]
For a high school dropout, things have been working very well for me so far. Got a place I can call my own, a job I actually like and the time and financial freedom to do what I like, and enjoy life. For everything I never had and wished I had helped me know what […]
I often get asked “what do I take” to get big and/or muscular and I respond nothing really, bananas maybe? I’ve been doing free-weights since I was a kid, then got into distance running back in 2007 and got hooked. I was sorta’ big back then but not as muscular since I primarily just ran, […]