2015 Subaru Forester long term review — what broke

Here’s a list repairs on my 2015 Subaru Forester XT with 60,000+km on the clock. These are grouped based on when I had them repaired/replaced and are considered normal repairs given the car’s age and milage. When the car had a rattling sound in idle and a clicking sound when turning I had these replaced. […]

Voodoo Floss Bands review

The name says it all, it’s Voodoo! I was skeptical at first, how can a band of latex fix my Lateral epicondylitis (Tennis elbow). (tennis elbow) and tight/inflamed knee? But it came down to either this 2,000PHP (40USD) or going to a physician who will most-likely prescribe some drug or operation to pseudo-fix the pain… […]

Transcend DrivePro 220 review

Sample video: The Good: Good value for money : you get decent video quality with a 1.8f aperture, GPS, WiFi, an LCD, 16gb MLC microSD card, reusable suction mount and other features you may not even use for 6,000PHP (140USD) Simplicity : it works out of the box. Just plug it in into your car’s […]

an UBER alternative to transportation

I spent the day using UBER as a means of transportation instead of driving, and I am very impressed by the implementation of their system. Finally, a transport system that actually works in the Philippines! I like how the system is setup to be secure for both the driver and passenger: You know the name […]