Arisen, Omnibus One

Arisen, Omnibus One Military drama and zombies …need I say more?
Arisen, Omnibus One Military drama and zombies …need I say more?
I often get asked “what do I take” to get big and/or muscular and I respond nothing really, bananas maybe? I’ve been doing free-weights since I was a kid, then got into distance running back in 2007 and got hooked. I was sorta’ big back then but not as muscular since I primarily just ran, […]
The name says it all, it’s Voodoo! I was skeptical at first, how can a band of latex fix my Lateral epicondylitis (Tennis elbow). (tennis elbow) and tight/inflamed knee? But it came down to either this 2,000PHP (40USD) or going to a physician who will most-likely prescribe some drug or operation to pseudo-fix the pain… […]
Born a Crime Being chosen is the greatest gift you can give to another human being.
Red Rising Trilogy An Awesome Young Adult Sci-Fi read. Originally a trilogy but I guess they’re adding 3 more books, but the story can be concluded on the third book.
Columbus Day (Expeditionary Force Book 1) Can’t wait for books 2 & 3! One of the better Sci-Fi books I’ve read in a while.
Shoe Dog Good, inspiring read, even though I prefer Adidas 🙂
The Girl with All the Gifts My first English (European) Zombie story, I especially liked the ending were one of the protagonist got to go out with one last hoorah! .. so to speak ^^v Too bad the movie adaptation sucked so much.
The Book Thief One of a few stories that got me teary eyed.
Because the NES mini is hard to find and/or too expensive, I decided to build a RetroPie computer at roughly the same cost as the SRP of the NES mini. At the time of writing, you can buy an Nes mini for 5,500PHP (110USD) …if you can find one, while a RetroPie will cost around […]
A Man Called Ove An entertaining light read about dying.
What my version of Harry Potter would be if I were a writer. My kind of Fantasy/Magic story.
I decided to try Linode Cloud hosting for 10USD (500PHP) a month. You get a high performance VPS which can run several sites for cheap, the only catch is you have to set it up and maintain it yourself. Here’s what I did to get mine up and running in a couple of minutes: I […]
The Martian One of the most entertaining sci-fi books I’ve read. The movie didn’t do it justice at all.
Ready Player One Reminds me a bit of Daemon books by Daniel Suarez. Great read, especially for kids of the 80′s/90′s 🙂
The Last Days of Night entertained, and learned a few nifty things at the same time
Here’s a Windows hack to fix the DPI scaling feature issue with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Simply add this registry entry in this .reg file or add it manually with the following: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSideBySide] “PreferExternalManifest”=dword:0000000 Then simply copy paste the manifest file(s) for either Photoshop, Premiere and/or Illustrator into their respective […]
The Riyria Revelations series by Michael J. Sullivan Great character and story development, with a satisfying conclusion… in my opinion.
The Windows 10 Anniversary update is already available for download! You may click here to download and force the update. Here’s a few few notable features on the update. That dark theme though.
This is an update to my previous setup I wrote about on: How I build my assets pipeline on Windows using NodeJS. This time around I use Gulp to simplify things and add more automation. First up, you’ll need to install gulp globally (npm i -g gulp) if you haven’t yet, then install it in […]