Windows scaling fix for Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, & Illustrator

Here’s a Windows hack to fix the DPI scaling feature issue with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Simply add this registry entry in this .reg file or add it manually with the following: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSideBySide] “PreferExternalManifest”=dword:0000000 Then simply copy paste the manifest file(s) for either Photoshop, Premiere and/or Illustrator into their respective […]

Windows 10 Anniversary update

The Windows 10 Anniversary update is already available for download! You may click here to download and force the update. Here’s a few few notable features on the update. That dark theme though.

Gulp! My assets pipeline 2.0 on WIndows

This is an update to my previous setup I wrote about on: How I build my assets pipeline on Windows using NodeJS. This time around I use Gulp to simplify things and add more automation. First up, you’ll need to install gulp globally (npm i -g gulp) if you haven’t yet, then install it in […]

Delete deep nested node_modules folders

Some node modules have too much dependencies that break the WIndows NTFS file system e.g.(node-sass, gulp). There were articles mentioning that Windows 10 has removed the the limit to the maximum path length but I for one still encounter the problem… and for some reason the rm -rf command doesn’t work anymore. So I use […]

Open cmd.exe here for NodeJS

Since NodeJS works off the Windows’ shell (command prompt) I find myself needing to open the terminal (cmd.exe) more often now. Here are several ways I open the Command Prompt in a specific location within Windows Explorer on Windows 10. method 1: simply navigate to the desired folder within Windows Explorer and type cmd in […]

How I build my assets pipeline on Windows using NodeJS

I develop on Windows 10 (currently) with NodeJS, I am assuming you are running both already. Below is a bare-bones list of modules i use: browserify – this allows my to write my JavaScript in the NodeJS convention as well as concatenate multiple JavaScript dependencies like jQuery and GSAP. uglify-js – this will allow me […]

Culture for Progress

A lot has been said about the subject, but seldom do I see mutual-respect in the same context. There has been much debate on the impact of tourism on culture and nature; both the affirmative and negative side raise valid points until declarative ideas turn into imperative statements. I understand the value of preservation, and […]

Union Bank EON debit woes

I used my EON card to make an online transaction amounting to 5,700PHP which was debited from my account even before the card was validated. I got an AVS (Address Verification System) after entering my card details when the amount was deducted from my account. After filing a complaint over the phone, email and to […]

Transcend DrivePro 220 review

Sample video: The Good: Good value for money : you get decent video quality with a 1.8f aperture, GPS, WiFi, an LCD, 16gb MLC microSD card, reusable suction mount and other features you may not even use for 6,000PHP (140USD) Simplicity : it works out of the box. Just plug it in into your car’s […]

Amazon EC2 server setup guide

Here’s a guide which help me setup an AWS  (Amazon Web Services) EC2 server for one of my clients. I used to use their free S3 CND service a few years back; though the process has changed a bit since then; so without further flim-flam. We’ll be needing PuTTY and FileZilla FTP client for this […]

an UBER alternative to transportation

I spent the day using UBER as a means of transportation instead of driving, and I am very impressed by the implementation of their system. Finally, a transport system that actually works in the Philippines! I like how the system is setup to be secure for both the driver and passenger: You know the name […]

Free Windows 10 upgrade!

I was pleasantly surprised after restarting my laptop to see a Windows icon on my system tray. After clicking on it, I was greeted by an app windows stating that I am eligible for a free upgrade to Windows 10 once it is available. I’m currently running Windows 8.1, so I am guessing all Windows […]

Sony Walkman NWZ-W273S review

This has to be the best workout-partner / mp3 I’ve ever used since I started working out for the past decade… end of review. Kidding aside here’s the gist of what I like and dislike about it in order: The GOOD It’s waterproof. You can use it when doing your laps in the pool, it […]

me vs my excuses

I’ve ran one-to-many miles to count and learned bits and pieces about myself over the years. It’s an exercise in self-exploration and awareness. It is, to me: Where the buck stops… It’s an argument between myself and my excuses; A debate on the merits of quitting over the satisfaction of finishing. It is a constant […]

Lock/Erase a lost Android device

A relative recently lost her Android device, and ask me for assistance. Since reporting it to the authorities in our case NTC takes a lot of time and effort which most working class people don’t have; we resorted to Google! Since every android device is linked to your personal Google account you can access your […]