Synology DS216+II RAM Upgrade

Just finished upgrading my Synology DS216+II to 8GB of DDR3L (low voltage) Kingston memory, from the stock 1GB RAM.. This will hopefully improve performance and caching, especially since I can turn off memory compression now and perhaps help with Plex Hardware Transcoding. The disassembly was pretty straight-forward. After removing the drives and  sliding the top […]

Gulp! My assets pipeline 2.0 on WIndows

This is an update to my previous setup I wrote about on: How I build my assets pipeline on Windows using NodeJS. This time around I use Gulp to simplify things and add more automation. First up, you’ll need to install gulp globally (npm i -g gulp) if you haven’t yet, then install it in […]

Open cmd.exe here for NodeJS

Since NodeJS works off the Windows’ shell (command prompt) I find myself needing to open the terminal (cmd.exe) more often now. Here are several ways I open the Command Prompt in a specific location within Windows Explorer on Windows 10. method 1: simply navigate to the desired folder within Windows Explorer and type cmd in […]

How I build my assets pipeline on Windows using NodeJS

I develop on Windows 10 (currently) with NodeJS, I am assuming you are running both already. Below is a bare-bones list of modules i use: browserify – this allows my to write my JavaScript in the NodeJS convention as well as concatenate multiple JavaScript dependencies like jQuery and GSAP. uglify-js – this will allow me […]

Amazon EC2 server setup guide

Here’s a guide which help me setup an AWS  (Amazon Web Services) EC2 server for one of my clients. I used to use their free S3 CND service a few years back; though the process has changed a bit since then; so without further flim-flam. We’ll be needing PuTTY and FileZilla FTP client for this […]

My webdev environment on Windows

Here the web development environment I have setup on my laptop. It’s simply a run-through and short tutorial of the things I use for those of you who are interested in getting into the web development scene. To start of, here’s a list of apps I use: WAMP – This basically has everything you need […]

phonegap setup guide for android on Windows

This is a short guide on how to setup a working and testing environment for either native or Phonegap/Cordova based Android app development on a Windows machine. NOTE: the versions of the software I list here are the current versions available  as of this article’s posting, or my personal preference. To get you on your […]