Spotify exclusive downloader

I currently use SpotDL which uses YTdlp to download music from Spotify/Youtube Music. I stumbled on Zotify while researching how ot download Spotify exclusive tracks. This method is simpler to use compared to YTdlp as you basically have a shorter command to run with minimal setup. The only drawback is you need a Spotify account […]

Spotify / Youtube offline downloads

I use spotdl which utilizes yt-dlp to download the actual songs. To download the highest quality you’ll need to have a Youtube Premium account with the audio quality set to high: Next, you’ll need to get the cookies to authenticate, I personally use Chrome on windows, you’ll need to launch Chrome with the –disable-features=LockProfileCookieDatabase to […]

Converting Audible AAX files to M4B/MP3

I like owning physical or actual copies of the things I buy, where I can enjoy them at any time, place, and mode of consumption I choose. With that in mind, I tried converting my Audible AAX files into M4B files so I can listen to them on any app or device I want. To […]

Flutter env on Windows 10/11

After my short stint with Phone Gap, I thought I’d give cross-platform development another shot with Flutter/Dark. I followed the Flutter installation instructions which looked straight forward apart from the few issues I ran into below. I had issues installing Intel HAXM wherein Hyper V was detected as enabled even though it was disabled on […]

ExpressVPN Review

My experience with ExpressVPN has been pleasant for the past 7 days. I share the account with my wife and daughter primarily for consuming media. But one pleasant surprise is that you get Youtube Picture-In-Picture functionality when connected to US servers, atleast on Android. This is a YouTube premium features as far as I known, […]

Live desktop summer feels

It’s been years since I last played with my desktop. Since PC hardware has grown by leaps and bounds since I last tried, I figured to give it a shot. Inspired by the Google Pixel live wallpaper I use this Ocean weather theme for Rain Wallpaper, an app you can find on Steam. Another theme […]

Deploying a WordPress plugin repo on github to WordPress on WIndows

I never learned how to use Subversion which is why publishing my work on WordPress becomes such a chore. Thankfully, I found a script that can deploy a local Git repository to This script assumes you have the following setup and working in your Windows environment already: SVN, in this case I use TortoiseSVN […]

S2W Payments plugin for WordPress

After developing on WordPress, I decided to contribute back to the community by creating a free plugin for WooCommerce and Square users. You can download the plug on or fork the source on Github. It’s basically allows you to filter fulfilled payments made to your Square account within WordPress and import them into WooCommerce […]

HorribleSubs batch downloads

HorribleSubs took down their batch torrent section after their site update last year. Which made it cumbersome to manually download each and every magnet link for the shows I want to get. Thankfully, there’s this Chorme extensions: HorribleSubs Downloader which lets you copy all the magnet links to your clipboard for a particular resurrection e.g. […]

Securing my Linode server

Thanks to a hackers and/or bots trying to inject malware into my WordPress installation, I am forced to learn how to administrate my host better. Surprisingly enough, I find myself enjoying learning how to manage and secure a production server; A skill which will definitely help me become a better developer moving forward. So far […]

Categorized as Software

How I secured my WordPress site

I recently came across malware in my WordPress installation even though I am running the latest version of WordPress and not running any other plugin apart from JetPack. I tried removing the malware and updating all the WordPress files only to get infected again a few days after. So Far these steps have mitigated the […]

Gulp Pipeline update

I encountered some errors compiling old projects using my old node workflow which turned out to be the result of a lot of the packages being deprecated. gyp ERR! stack Error: Can’t find Python executable “python”, you can set the PYTHON env variable. Luckily it was an easy fix, I simple had to install the […]

Cooling & Storage upgrades

Updated my shoe box for the coming summer heat: Replaced stock AMD cooler with a Noctua L9i with AM4 mounting kit Added a 92mmx25mm Noctua fan on the side Added a 120mm Noctua fan in the front Added a Seagate 2tb SSHD drive for my media and games. Temperatures seems to be nominal, everything considered. […]

Windows scaling fix for Adobe Photoshop, Premiere, & Illustrator

Here’s a Windows hack to fix the DPI scaling feature issue with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Simply add this registry entry in this .reg file or add it manually with the following: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSideBySide] “PreferExternalManifest”=dword:0000000 Then simply copy paste the manifest file(s) for either Photoshop, Premiere and/or Illustrator into their respective […]

Windows 10 Anniversary update

The Windows 10 Anniversary update is already available for download! You may click here to download and force the update. Here’s a few few notable features on the update. That dark theme though.

Gulp! My assets pipeline 2.0 on WIndows

This is an update to my previous setup I wrote about on: How I build my assets pipeline on Windows using NodeJS. This time around I use Gulp to simplify things and add more automation. First up, you’ll need to install gulp globally (npm i -g gulp) if you haven’t yet, then install it in […]

Delete deep nested node_modules folders

Some node modules have too much dependencies that break the WIndows NTFS file system e.g.(node-sass, gulp). There were articles mentioning that Windows 10 has removed the the limit to the maximum path length but I for one still encounter the problem… and for some reason the rm -rf command doesn’t work anymore. So I use […]

Open cmd.exe here for NodeJS

Since NodeJS works off the Windows’ shell (command prompt) I find myself needing to open the terminal (cmd.exe) more often now. Here are several ways I open the Command Prompt in a specific location within Windows Explorer on Windows 10. method 1: simply navigate to the desired folder within Windows Explorer and type cmd in […]

How I build my assets pipeline on Windows using NodeJS

I develop on Windows 10 (currently) with NodeJS, I am assuming you are running both already. Below is a bare-bones list of modules i use: browserify – this allows my to write my JavaScript in the NodeJS convention as well as concatenate multiple JavaScript dependencies like jQuery and GSAP. uglify-js – this will allow me […]