After my short stint with Phone Gap, I thought I’d give cross-platform development another shot with Flutter/Dark. I followed the Flutter installation instructions which looked straight forward apart from the few issues I ran into below.
I had issues installing Intel HAXM wherein Hyper V was detected as enabled even though it was disabled on Windows Features. Running the following command as an Administrator fixed this issue for me:
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

I also ran into several issues regarding the Android SDK which was fixed by setting the correct location in the flutter config:
flutter config --android-sdk "C:\Users\<current-user>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk"
Then making sure the cmdline-tools is installed in the SDK manager in Android Studio

After solving those issues, I ran into some minor things that were basically fixed by restarting the IDE and/or Windows. Now it’s time to starting learning Dark.