Will Wight – Cradle

One of my favorite book series in recent memory. Thankful that this is the first series I read when getting into the Progression Fantasy genre. The narration by Travis Baldree was very complimentary as well. Travis Baldree is now one of my favorite narrators thanks to these books.

Mesh WIFI setup

It turns out that a a tri-band mesh router (AX6600) can work with a dual band node (AX1800) node. I tested both wireless and wired configurations with the wired vonfig passing through a switch. I am using the Asus XT8 and XD4 respectively.

Categorized as Hardware

It’s good until it’s not

I have a lot of feelings about my current situation in life but I don’t feel i have the energy to deal with it, But certain things aren’t elective and I either decide what to do about them or life/time will make them for me. Experience suggests that things get worse when left unsettled, so […]

Categorized as Blogging

Lemons and grapes

I exchange my time for money, rates are usually dictated by where you’re from and who you know… Not so much what you know. The gap between what I think I’m worth versus how much people are willing to pay me is usually great, but not as much as my need to provide and hopefully […]

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The dichotomy of my outlook on life

I believe I won’t grow old and I feel that I don’t have enough time to do everything I want to accomplish in life. But ironically I do everything I can to extend the longevity of my body and work towards being financially independent for if or when I grow older. Call me a hypocrite, […]

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The appreciation finally dawned on me that life is full of uncertainties; And I find myself searching for positive certainties to get me through that fact… Regardless of how fleeting it may be.

Categorized as Blogging

Converting Audible AAX files to M4B/MP3

I like owning physical or actual copies of the things I buy, where I can enjoy them at any time, place, and mode of consumption I choose. With that in mind, I tried converting my Audible AAX files into M4B files so I can listen to them on any app or device I want. To […]

Flutter env on Windows 10/11

After my short stint with Phone Gap, I thought I’d give cross-platform development another shot with Flutter/Dark. I followed the Flutter installation instructions which looked straight forward apart from the few issues I ran into below. I had issues installing Intel HAXM wherein Hyper V was detected as enabled even though it was disabled on […]

The Expanse by James SA Corey

Books 1-5 were great, then started to go downhill for me from there. I got a sense that the conclusion will leave me unsatisfied to say the least.. almost remorseful that I got invested in the story and characters passed book 5. [Goodreads link]

Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness

Chaos Walking Series by Patrick Ness The story could’ve been told in 1 book instead of 3 and felt dragging the longer I read the book. I personally didn’t like the pace of the story and how it ended but it wasn’t bad enough for me to stop reading.

Trading views

I traded a corner condo unit on the top floor in Manila for a house and lot near the beach in a Province where I have no relatives and barely know anyone. It’s been one of if not the most daunting decision I have made so far and by all accounts, seem to be one […]


Treading down South of sadness.I look back North of youth & nostalgia, as the westward winds remind me of my woes. I am reminded that life isn’t east of equality.

Off the ground

New ventures are akin to lifting heavy shit off the floor for me. It’s those first few centemeters that are the most challenging… Or I would like to think so. But it gets progressively hardet when as you progress. One of the lessons sports (distance running & powerlifting) and my career has taught me is […]

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Over the hill

I started coding back in 1999, when writing your media player in mIRC because my Pentium II can’t run winAMP and mIRC at the seme time was fun. Back then I didn’t see it as a career, I knew I wanted to be involved with it but didn’t really see it as a source of […]

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Personal space

For the past 7 months, most of my time has been spent in this 5×5 meter space. I work, workout, eat, sleep repeat. The Pandemic changed views on a lot of things, especially housing. I used to think owning properties is much better than renting; Now not so much. I find myaelf liking the idea […]

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